Sunday, July 27, 2008


Reports showed riots all over the west
of unknown causes that plagued urban streets.
The violence was spreading despite all their best
efforts to hasten the riot's defeat.

Soon blatant violence had taken the land,
spread like a plague at the hands of our foes.
Just the mere touch of an infected hand
caused others to fight all those who opposed.

Now they have trapped us inside our own cell,
pleading for us just to open the gate.
Fainting and ill from the miasmic smell,
I reached for my weapon, but it was too late.

They poured in by hundreds through open doors.
I saw him, like Judas, letting them in.
We scrambled in vain for the upper floors
trapping ourselves like sardines in a tin.

We fought them for hours, with all our might
but slowly gave in with the failing light.

(still trying to write about a zombie apocalypse. i dont know if ill ever get one i like...)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Always Thinking of You

My ex-girlfriend was a beautiful dame,
And her face shown brighter than a starlet.
She never failed in igniting my flame,
But the truth is that she was a harlot.

She tricked me into thinking we would last,
(I cannot believe I could be so blind)
For her terrible deeds were surely vast,
And the whole time her "love" clouded my mind.

My heart split the first time I saw them kiss,
For both hands caressed his pulsing body.
My hands trembled at the thought of her diss,
And my great loss (for she was a hottie).

But revenge was only mine in the end
(Can't tell you the things I did with her friend)

[this is the follow up poem to the rejected ground zero. i still didnt know anything about love, so i decided to write about betrayal (with minor themes of love). apparently this was good enough, and my teacher actually accepted this one.]

Ground Zero

Dark clouds rain and, through the mist, thunder claps,
As the sky darkens and hail starts to whip.
The citizens run in pain as it slaps,
And some are knocked out with pain to the lip.

Off in the distance a funnel is seen,
Where destruction at ground zero hits hard.
The wind pushes cars and makes them careen,
Like a ballet where automobiles starred.

Panic explodes as the tornado nears,
And the tornado rips through the doomed house.
The children's eyes filled to the brim with tears
As dad was torn away like a small mouse.

Darkness was gone, but destruction remained,
For all was lost and there was nothing gained.

(this isn't my favorite, but it was the first poem that i ever wrote, and helped to get me into poetry. it was an assignment for my 9th grade english class. we were supposd to write sonnets, which my teacher said were mainly about love. i figured i didn't know much about love, so i just wrote what i wanted in the form of a sonnet. she actually didn't like it and made me write another!)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Last Goodnight

I fought for many months in haste through cracked and shattered sky

for vict'ry's sweet elusive taste and beaming of her eye.

She never came when I returned. In fact I was alone.

I found the village sacked and burned and, crying, held her bones.

She always was so elegant that even in her death

I stood, stunned with astonishment and sat with bated breath.

She almost seemed so beautiful, so white with ashen char

as to defy description, just like shadows seeing stars.

I held her for a moment more to cure my inner blight

and then, before departing, i kissed her one last good night.

(at first i was trying to write a poem about a zombie apocalypse, but nothing was coming out right and it just evolved into this. when i first wrote it, the poem didn't have much personal meaning to me. but when i think about it now, it describes when you dont pay enough attention to life, things change around you and no matter how much you dont want them to change, or you want them to go back to the way they were before, sometimes you just have to say goodbye to the things you once loved.)